Zinc 66 powder with natural content of stable isotope Zink
Производство | Тума
13.02.2016, 06:16
Zinc 66 powder with natural content of stable isotope zinc 66 produced in the Russian Federation; Radioactivity is radioactive; The isotope of zinc, 27, 81 %; Chemical purity: 99, 9 %; Zink powder 66 from the manufacturer The production of the isotope zinc 66 implement on an ongoing basis Our company has the whole set of documents certificates Negotiated international contracts Working under a letter of credit with regular customers The minimum party of shipment containers 25 kg
Контактное лицо: ZinkRU
| Телефон: +74952681374
Просмотров: 497
| Рейтинг предприятия: 0.0/0 |
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